DOOM Eternal Review: 8 Ups & 1 Down

1. Id's Best Game & Setting The Bar For Sequels

DOOM Eternal
iD Software

I’ve not had this much consistent fun or ‘gripping the pad til I’m sore’ engagement with a game… ever. The sheer ear to ear, maniacal laughter-fueled euphoria I felt when lock-stepping with everything DOOM Eternal had to offer was unlike any other FPS, including DOOM 2016.

Creative Director – and absolute G – Hugo Martin was spot on about this eclipsing what went before, and it’s not until you see and FEEL what the team have built, that you’ll know why.

The end result is a resounding, sky-punching five star product. I knew it in my bones after my first 10 hour play session, and as the credits rolled and I basked in the dark synthetic beats of that badass score, I felt nothing but pure, sheer jubilation.

I immediately dove back in to experience everything all over again, hovering up missing tokens, attempting challenge arenas now with full loadouts, and punking those motherF’ing Marauders that are so hard the first time round.

You’ll see.

Without getting into specifics because the ride here is so exquisite, DOOM Eternal is one of the best games of the generation, the best game I’ve ever played from iD, 2020s first must-have, and everything you could ever want from a follow-up to that 2016 release.

And now... time for the tiniest negative ever.

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Doom Eternal
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