Dota 2: 10 Most Fun Heroes You Must Play As

8. Huskar

Huskar is a hero that is hated by any player who is unfortunate enough to lane against him. Huskar is YOLO personified, with his passive Berserker's Blood, that makes him stronger the less health he has. There are few spells more annoying than Flaming Spears, which cost no mana and stack damage, making him lethal at level one. Life Break, his ultimate, allows him to become an Olympic long jumper and sacrifice his life force (translation: become overpowered) to deal massive damage to enemies. He is a high risk, high reward carry that can absolutely dominate early game and be a walking terror to anyone unfortunate to cross paths with him. Get Huskar going early and there is very little an opposing team can do against him. What Huskar has in raw power, he completely lacks in any interesting personality. Here's a drinking game idea: Take a shot every time Huskar yells "sacrifice" or "I give my life." Actually, don't do that. You'll just give yourself alcohol poisoning.
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Film junkie, casual hardcore gamer, and human music database. Learned how to write so that I could share my ideas and justify the hundreds of hours I've spent glued in front of a screen. Follow me on Twitter for my less formal musings on geek culture.