Dota 2: 10 Most Fun Heroes You Must Play As

7. Invoker

Wearing your collar popped is never cool, unless you happen to be the greatest mage in existence. Is the same old four skill, primary attribute style of Dota way too casual for your superior brainpower? Try Invoker and his collection of ten spells for maximum magic casting. Invoker is such a fun hero due to his seemingly endless possible combinations of spells, allowing players to be free of the rigid system that most of the heroes use. Invoker has no permanent role due to the versatility of his spells. Any hero with low health will run back to base in fear of your omnipresent Sunstrike, which can be cast from anywhere on the map. EMP is the single most groan inducing spell as it robs anyone caught in its area of effect of their mana and their will to fight. Summon Familiars gives you the farming potential of many hard carries. Cast Ghost Walk, Cold Snap and Sunstrike and you're a ganker with global map presence. Sneaking around not your thing? Tornado combine with EMP and the enemy team will wonder where the hell all of their mana went as they are being taken down by the rest of your team. Invoker is not a welcoming hero with his completely unique skill builds, but when players learn the hero, they will feel like the smartest person alive.
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Film junkie, casual hardcore gamer, and human music database. Learned how to write so that I could share my ideas and justify the hundreds of hours I've spent glued in front of a screen. Follow me on Twitter for my less formal musings on geek culture.