Dragon Age 4: Every Rumour & Leak You NEED To Know

6. There'll Be An Emphasis On Player Choice

Dragon Age Inquisition War Table

One aspect of Dragon Age 4 that keeps cropping up, be it from Bioware themselves or the leaks from inside the studio, is that one core Dragon Age tenant is going to remain intact for the sequel:

Player choice.

Again, returning to Kotaku's blowout, the focus for Joplin was apparently all about bringing the scale of the narrative down a touch to focus on the consequences of the player's actions. Apparently these were going to be far more extensive than the binary outcomes of previous Bioware RPGs, far subtler, and ultimately more impactful even in terms of environmental/world changes for the story itself.

Of course, development has shifted to the new version of Dragon Age 4, but comments by those currently working on the game (including Casey Hudson) stress that the character focus will be maintained.

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