Dragon Age 4: Every Rumour & Leak You NEED To Know

5. It Will Have A Live-Service Element

Anthem Game

Although it's genuinely deflating to live in a world where even a huge RPG series like Dragon Age is needing to be transformed into a games-as-service release, that's exactly what's happening. For a while now, it's all but been set in stone that the sequel will have to fit EA's live service mandate, as the publisher has continued to drop single-player projects.

The previous tweet by director Casey Hudson even touched upon it, acknowledging that DA 4 would be incorporating "live" elements. Again, in the same message he stressed that while the game will be online, it will still primarily be focused on the core tenants of what has made Dragon Age so distinct in the past, that being the focus on the world, story and characters.

Schreier's report has shed a little bit more light on this as well, acknowledging that EA do have design mandates for the studio to hit, but are actually giving the team plenty of leeway when it comes to how they interpret the title's live service elements. That should mean the sequel won't follow too much in Anthem's footsteps, but that optimistic view does clash with the "Anthem with dragons" descriptor being derogatorily thrown around by sources.

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