Dragon Age: Inquisition - 5 Things We Learned From E3

2. There's A New Combat System, And It Looks Awesome

One of the big reveals from the E3 presentation was just quite how big an overhaul the combat for Dragon Age: Inquisition is getting. Not that there was anything wrong with the fighting mechanics in the previous games, but these new additions do sound plenty exciting. Obviously the increased customisation of equipment and weapons will help tip the scales against some enemies, but if you want a different way to play you'll have the option of switching from third-person to a top-down perspective for a more tactical approach. When opting for the top-down view, time will slow down and you can position your party around the enemy in a manner befitting of an real-time strategy game. If you prefer to be in the thick of the action you'll have the option of switching between party members in real time in order to best tackle your enemies. Of course, you'll have to hone these skills if you're going to take on the game's varied and formidable foes...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/