Dragon Ball FighterZ - 10 Tips & Tricks The Game Doesn't Tell You

2. Master The "Quarter Circle Forward" Command

Dragon ball fighterz
Arc System Works

Although seasoned fighting game players will likely have mastered this command long ago, newcomers should quickly nail down the "quarter circle forward" command.

Done by moving the stick or D-pad in a quarter motion from down to right/left within say a half-second, this movement has most famously been used to activate Ryu's Hadouken in Street Fighter, and has been present in many different fighting games since.

In Dragon Ball FighterZ, almost every single character uses this command to activate their special moves. As soon as you master it, you'll much more easily be able to jump into any character and start using some of their more unique, devastating animations.

This is another aspect of Dragon Ball FighterZ that is often seen as very casual, but it’s actually a great way of letting the series’ famous beam-filled battles come to life on-screen.


Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.