Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot DLC: 10 Things Fans Want To See

8. Adjustable Difficulty & Improved AI

dragon ball z kakarot goku
Bandai Namco

Many games alter their difficulty by lowering a player’s health and damage output while doing the opposite for the enemy. The downside about this is it can lead to difficulty spikes and it doesn’t necessarily change what strategy the player will use.

Players are rewarded with huge amounts of XP after story missions which can sometimes level them up multiple times after one mission. This can cause them to be over-leveled for the next section of story, and then be woefully underpowered for the following section.

This isn't helped by the combat system, which turns out to be somewhat repetitive and predictable after a few hours.

Some ways the difficulty could be improved are by enforcing restrictions on the player to make battles tougher at higher difficulty levels. Currently, players have no penalty for using healing items in battle and can spam those if they run the risk of dying.

A cooldown timer or only allowing access to a limited amount of healing items during battle would make players use them sparingly and add more strategy to the fight.

In addition to improving combat AI, dodge, block and attack windows could be altered depending on the difficulty level as well.


Huge fan of superheros, gaming, movies, TV shows, sports and anything pop culture! Always open for a chat or a good convo and not to make you fall in love with me or anything, but I make pretty good toast from scratch.