Duke Nukem For Never: 5 Ways To Save The Franchise

3. Release A New Game

Dukereloadedteaser2011 I know it sounds super obvious when stated, but after accepting DNF as a catastrophe, moving forward with a new game is the next logical step. What I found personally to be the biggest kick in the bollocks about DNF was after all these years of working on it the final product is not nearly as exciting as the trailers 3D Realms released for the game along the way. Where did all of those great and amazingly fun ideas go? Could it all not be used for the new game to deliver some of what was promised (did I mention DNF does not have the jetpack)? 2K Games, or whoever it is now who owns the rights to make the next game, needs to look back and model it on inspiration acquired from the old. Whatever the result may be it has to be better than being handed a game more linear than the Lord of the Rings button mashers.
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Duke Nukem
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aka The Thompsonator. Action movie & shooter game fanatic. Biggest weakness? Taking things over the top... The internet is the disease. Meet the cure. Find more action on my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/ActionRation