E3: 20 Jaw-Dropping Game Reveals You Need To Know About

20. Mass Effect 4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epRIxX7kr-k So, the worldwide reveal of BioWare's eagerly anticipated fourth Mass Effect game. There's good news and there's bad news; the good news is that Casey Hudson is looking to create a Mass Effect that's unlike anything you've ever seen. The bad news is that there wasn't much of it to show, leaving your jaw sort of halfway down in a state of, "Oh my god, a new Mass Effect game! I am so excited right no... oh!" as opposed to being totally floored. Still, it was a great reveal and worthy of the bottom spot on the list. While Hudson and his crew were understandably tight-lipped about a game that probably still has two or more years of development time on it, the brief glimpses that BioWare did show did a lot to satiate the hungry Mass Effect audience. We heard about new worlds, new characters and a whole new way of looking at Mass Effect that would also bring in Shepard's epic trilogy. BioWare also showed a few rough concepts and environments that looked to be the art team at the top of their game, as well as confirming a brand new as-yet-unnamed IP. It may have only been a small tease of what's to come, but things are looking up.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.