Every year, the Electronic Entertainment Expo shows off upcoming video games and video game related hardware; announcements are made, hype is generated, and gamers have plenty more things to look forward to buying. But this year, things are a bit different. Its been over six months since the release of both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and while gamers have bought staggering amounts of new consoles, on the games front it's been barren except for indie games and a few triple-A games. Not only that, but anticipated launch titles like Watch Dogs, Driveclub, Destiny, TitanFall and Infamous: Second Son have either been delayed or fizzled out almost immediately after release. For many gamers, the next gen consoles are basically $400 paperweights. This year, E3 has to prove that new console generation is worth the money people have spent, and are thinking about spending - which for better or worse means setting high expectations for what games people can expect to see in the next few years too. Somehow Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and everyone else have to top the last generation with not only great-looking titles but also with better features than we can only get on the new consoles too. It's not an easy task by a long shot, and with Microsoft dropping the Kinect motion-controller just to keep up with Sony's pricing model, E3 is going to be one hell of a showdown between two titans of the industry.
Living in Florida, enjoying the weather when its good, writing for a living. TV, Film, Animation, and Games are my life blood. Follow me on Twitter @xbsaint. Just try not to get too mad when I live tweet during Toonami.