E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Microsoft's Xbox Conference

3. Halo 5: Guardians

In many ways, Halo - and the Master Chief himself - is the embodiment of Xbox. He's certainly the nearest thing to a mascot the system has had over the years anyway. So when it came time to go all Metal Gear Solid 2 on the story and take the focus away from playing as the Chief in the promotional materials for Guardians, fans quickly took to wondering if the appeal of the series would remain. Luckily, in this newest footage we finally got a good look at how the campaign is going to play out; that being through the eyes of multiple Spartans on both sides of the fence - one of which is Nathan Fillion - as they track down a rogue Master Chief. The gameplay demo Microsoft showed was mostly an excuse to wow those in attendance with a very pretty fireworks display, but hopefully in amongst fleshing out the story in such a unique way, developers 343 aren't straying too far from the core "Save the populace, smash the aliens" narrative that's embodied the franchise so far.
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