E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Microsoft's Xbox Conference

2. Microsoft Announce Backwards Compatibility

What was the one thing everyone was screaming the rafters down about back at launch? Exactly, the Kine- no, the other thing. Backwards compatibility - the feature that used to be an expected part of any new piece of kit, yet for this generation has sat it out so far, seemingly for entirely business-related reasons. Sony elected to stream your games back to you across their 'Netflix for games', Playstation Now, whereas until now Microsoft didn't have a horse in the race. Their answer to all of this stuff - and to get around the previous exclamations that the console itself simply can't play the discs - is to make you put your disc in as a license check, before downloading a file that allows play on the new system. In a neat new feature you can still use some Xbox One functionality such as taking a screenshot, but whether or not you can up-res graphics or if achievements carry over is still up in the air.
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