E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Microsoft's Xbox Conference

7. Fable: Legends

Boy do those Game of Thrones actors get around. First Charles 'Tywin Lannister' Dance showed up in The Witcher 3, and now Lena 'Cersei Lannister' Headey is in the new Fable. Anyway, despite Lionhead recruiting Headey to play a villainous role, Fable looks to be retaining the siganture whimsy and adventurist nature that endeared it to the hearts of so many. Gameplay looked to be more of the same albeit with a focus on teamwork and playing with your friends, but as the Fable series itself has been away for far too long, it's great to finally see more of a sequel that isn't going to rely on a gimmick to sell.
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