E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Sony's PlayStation Conference

4. Destiny Is Still A Thing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMsSNMOwFWE There was a great line from Sony's Adam Boyes during the Destiny segment, where instead of throwing out any reaffirming stats about the state of Destiny and how Bungie, Activision et al have handled the increasingly negative feedback about their soulless husk of a game; instead he noted you could join the "20 million players who have played". The key word there, is "have", as so many people initially bought into the hype - and Bungie's Halo-bred pedigree - only to realise just how little was on offer and turn off altogether. When it came time to devote precious conference minutes to Destiny, it wasn't a ship-righting story-heavy apology-fest, instead we simply got more expansion packs that looked like the exact same thing fans have been putting thousands of hours into for months, trying in vein to justify the time invested outside of how perfect a headshot might feel. Who out there is still playing? Let us know in the comments just what the appeal is, as right now it's looking mighty thin.
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Sony E3 2015
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