E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Sony's PlayStation Conference

3. LittleBigPlanet's Media Molecule Are Building Dreams

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4j8Wp-sx5K0 LittleBigPlanet tends to be - like Minecraft - a game that polarises people. Either you're all-in, devoting your time to crafting something like a digital Millennium Falcon or the set of LOST or something - or it just completely passes you by for one reason or another. It was with trepidation then, that developers Media Molecule put out an all-new potential franchise; Dreams. Looking to do for visual imagery what LBP did for 3D physical spaces, you can literally/apparently create anything - all in a shared collective space with a burgeoning community, as assumedly together you'll make anything from space shooters to random old dudes playing pianos in fields. It's all very obscure right now, but the graphical style alone looks impeccable - let us know what you think in the comments, as it totally stumped those in attendance.
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Sony E3 2015
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