E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Sony's PlayStation Conference

12. Batman: Arkham Knight's First Person Shooter Mode Was Terrible

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqmexHnHR0s After delivering a trifecta of nostalgia with the aforementioned titles and getting the crowd firmly on their side, Sony man Adam Boyes then teased another project that he couldn't wait to play; Arkham Knight. The problem, was due to this being a PlayStation conference and Rocksteady have been putting together a string of exclusive 'Scarecrow Nightmare Missions' as DLC - that was all they showed. No Batman combat, hell, no Batman. Instead it was a strange CG-style 'police sim' where a segment saw a police officer walk into a diner, get assaulted by what looked like Scarecrow, before taking part in a very basic-looking zombie first-person shooter. Being that the trailer opened by cremating the Joker after a long pause on his face (as if he was going to spring back into life) only to cement certain fans' fears that this instalment feels way too 'un-Batman-like' thanks to the Batmobile and all the wanton destruction therein already, it was a spectacularly misguided showing from a title that really shouldn't have been able to fail.
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Sony E3 2015
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