E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Sony's PlayStation Conference

10. No Man's Sky Blows Everyone Away Again

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alMpGcSc1YY So a little-known team, Hello Games, are making an entire galaxy of content to bomb around in; the game itself being a first-person explorative adventure with elements of shooting and trading to keep you busy. The big hook is the team have created some very new-age tech that essentially builds entire worlds from specific environmental algorithms, meaning they can set it off in all directions and watch a literal universe come to life - replete with plant life, animals, various coloured sands, mountainsides etc. Part of the back n' forth with the game and its demoing so far though, has been people not really knowing what they're getting into. Are we just going to be exploring constantly? Will that get boring? What do you... do? Lead director Sean Murray then allayed all fears by showing some nifty dogfighting between space ships, an interstellar jump between planets and the mention of trade routes you can raid to upgrade your warp drive and journey deeper into the galaxy itself. Part of the fun is entirely in the exploration, cataloguing new species' and seeing what other crazy structures you can find. There'll no doubt be plenty more details Murray is keeping under wraps for now, but the Sony demo easily convinced everyone to drop their jaws in disbelief at just how staggeringly huge everything is.
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Sony E3 2015
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