E3 2015: 12 Biggest Moments From Sony's PlayStation Conference

6. The Last Guardian Emerges Six Years Later, Looking Exactly The Same

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXLZvsSmBIs There's going to be a lot said about The Last Guardian; Sony's Ico/Shadow of the Colossus spiritual sequel that debuted way back in 2009, only to suffer a string of delays and emerge at the beginning of this year's conference. On the one hand hey, it's in motion and we finally saw some new gameplay. But on the other well, the graphics looked the same as they did back then, gameplay itself was very twitchy, ponderous and whimsical to a fault, the release date is still another year away - and it's very possible the build they showed is just the latest prototype from over the years, being it's not playable on the show floor. As this opened Sony's presser, it was their attempt to establish a strong connection with fans in the wake of Microsoft's more dominative performance beforehand, and although the game itself is long overdue, the more you think about what we finally saw - the more it needed to be much, much more.
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Sony E3 2015
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