E3 2016: 10 Outrageous Rumours We Hope Come True

6. A Superman Game From Rocksteady

Superman game ps4 xbox one

An image that surfaced online in Summer 2015 previously made many fans believe that Rocksteady - developers for most of Batman's Arkham series - were working on a Superman game. Featuring a 'New 52 Superman' skin, the photo seemed to suggest that Superman content was being added to an existing Batman game from the developers.

The content may have been fake, but the existence of Superman-related items in the latest Batman game certainly are not. Rocksteady crammed a ton of extra DC references into Batman: Arkham Knight, suggesting that they are fully aware of the potential for a shared universe theme in the future of their games.

With the Justice League's first movie outing currently in production, a Superman game would certainly hit the market at just the right time. Rocksteady have kept quiet about the references and easter eggs in Arkham Knight, with many being led to believe that their silence is a positive sign for an Arkham-styled Superman game.

For now, we can only hope...

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.