E3 2016: 10 Outrageous Rumours We Hope Come True

5. Prey 2

Bethesda Prey

Prey 2 was a game that many were excited about for a few years around 2012/13, but it was devastatingly confirmed as having been cancelled in October 2014. Last year speculation re-emerged that Bethesda "still had room" for the sequel in their development plans, and the hopes and dreams of many a Prey player were sparked back to life.

Now, with E3 2016 just around the corner, many commentators are starting to believe that news of the game's revival could be about to drop. Many sources are suggesting that Arkane Austin have been working on Prey 2 even after Bethesda's confirmation that the game had been cancelled and that the revival would be announced at the conference next week.

Prey 2's original trailer was seriously well-received when it was debuted at E3 2011, and there's no doubt that a confirmation this game is still be alive would be welcomed with open arms.

And while this could be Bethesda's only full game reveal at E3 2016, it's hopefully not their only big news...

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Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.