E3 2016: 10 Things We Learned From Titanfall 2's Single Player Trailer

1. Your Faithful Mech May Not Make It Through The Story

Titanfall 2 Single Player

This shot was fairly telling, and signifies the morose peak of the trailer in what could potentially be a huge zinger of a spoiler.

As you can see above, poor BT has lost an arm and is stumbling around with Cooper, who is also clearly injured. By all respects they could still make it out of this one alive (and they probably will, seeing as how I can't think of many games that killed off a main character so early on into a trilogy), but that won't put a halt to speculation in this instance. It's a shot that features both our main characters maimed and fatigued, which is never a good sign in military shooters, even if this particular one takes place in the sci-fi genre.

Titanfall has the potential to be one of the medium's foremost FPS titles, and given its unique premise, its wonderful lore and exemplary gameplay, the second entry in the franchise could easily stand as one of the best games of the year. Sure, it's got a healthy host of competition to go up against, including the equally impressive Battlefield 1, but there's no denying that as each day passes Titanfall is looking more and more like a formidable franchise. EA certainly seems to think so, and whether you like them or not, they've rarely been wrong about their best-sellers.

What I find most encouraging about Respawn's sequel is that they actually haven't abandoned single player, which is even more commendable considering the first Titanfall pretty much kickstarted the current trend of FPS's foregoing a single-player component altogether.

If they can vindicate having one in their title, in a manner that truly compliments the gameplay and rigour of their series, then I can only hope that other studios follow suit. If Titanfall can rectify this one trend, I'll be eternally grateful.


What did you make of the extended footage? Let us know in the comments!

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.