E3 2016: 9 Ups & 5 Downs From Sony's Conference

2. No PS4 Neo, Red Dead Redemption 2, FF7 Remake Or Shenmue
red dead redemption 2

And now we have all the things that fans were either hoping for or expecting that didn't show up at Sony's conference.

Firstly, despite it being hot on everyone's lips over the last few weeks, Sony's PS4.5 (aka the PS Neo) was nowhere to be seen, and after the announcement of Microsoft's Xbox One S and Project Scorpio, perhaps they will be tweaking its specs before unveiling it to the public. In fairness, Sony themselves said it wouldn't be there a few days before the show.

Then there was the lack of Red Dead Redemption 2 even though it was massively rumoured due to recent "leaks". Then again, Rockstar march to the beat of their own drum and will basically just reveal it whenever they want.

And finally, though Final Fantasy VII Remake and Shenmue 3 were given shock reveals last year, neither showed off any gameplay this time. This may speak more to neither title being due for release until late 2017-2018, but it's still a shame all the same.

Yes, despite everything awesome Sony showed off, we're a greedy bunch, alright?


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.