E3 2017: 18 Biggest WTF Moments

1. Devolver Digital's Absolutely Insane "Conference"

E3 2017 Devolver Digital
Devolver Digital

And finally, nothing this year was even remotely as insane as Devolver Digital's brilliant 15-minute pre-recorded show which they broadcast after the conclusion of Bethesda's conference.

The show was essentially a not-at-all-subtle takedown of everything people complain about at E3, with "Chief Synergy Officer" Nina Struthers forcing journalists to clap at gunpoint as she announced features such as the ability to literally throw money at the screen (resulting in an audience member losing his arm), and "Comment-Created Content", where a game will instantly adjust to even your most persnickety complaint.

The "conference" ended with Struthers' having an epic nose bleed which caused her to have some sort of seizure, before her head exploded, Scanners-style, and her corpse was carried off by a mo-cap ninja (seriously).

It was arguably the most entertaining thing from any of the shows, and hopefully Devolver will back with something even more bats*** crazy next year. If you want to see the madness for yourself, the whole broadcast is included below.

Which E3 moments most made you wonder if you were actually hallucinating? Shout them out in the comments!

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E3 2017
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.