E3 2017: 22 Jaw-Dropping Video Game Reveals You Need To Know About

14. Shadow Of The Colossus (Remake)

Sony needed at least one home run in their otherwise lacklustre conference, though even the mighty Shadow of the Colossus coming back couldn't muster more than a collective "...sure?" from the online populace.

Alas, Shadow of the Colossus made history back in 2008 for being one of the first games to propose the "Are games art?" question. Its interpretable narrative, gorgeous graphics, open-ended exploration and unmatchable sense of scale saw you tackling 13 screen-sized behemoths in the pursuit of saving your beloved, though there was something else afoot the whole time...

To Sony's credit, the remake looks to have been touched up in all the right areas, though you have to wonder why they didn't just put out a full 'ICO Trilogy' at this point. Maybe next year?

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