E3 2017: 22 Jaw-Dropping Video Game Reveals You Need To Know About

17. Beyond Good & Evil 2


After 14 years, Ubisoft are finally getting round to releasing what many fans have been asking about day-in, day-out: A sequel to the cult classic, Beyond Good & Evil.

Now, outside of the above CG trailer, we weren't privy to any gameplay demos or details, though the blurb on Ubisoft's official page has clarified this is in fact a prequel, though with a completely different direction than that of a third-person action platformer. Instead, Ubi's page mentions "playing with friends in a vast and seamless online playground" - something we'll have to wait with baited breath as to how it gets implemented.

While we're waiting, do yourself a favour and play through the original Beyond Good & Evil. It's still one of the most underrated games Ubisoft have ever put out, and good on them for finally getting this back on track.

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