E3 2017: 22 Jaw-Dropping Video Game Reveals You Need To Know About

18. Need For Speed: Payback

It's Burnout: Takedown, let's be honest.

Need for Speed has been handled by a ton of ex-Criterion guys for years at this point, and across all this time, we've slowly seen more and more of Burnout's beloved game mechanics filter in. Now, with Payback, full-on camera cutaways are in, as is a more arcadey approach to car handling.

Simply put, the gameplay EA showed off looked instantly fun, and the devs look to be returning to NFS: The Run territory, as Payback will come with a full-on Fast & the Furious-inspired story mode. Playing as characters Tyler and Jess, the scene showcased had Jess leaping from the bonnet of Tyler's car, stealing a sports car from within a lorry - the whole thing going 100mph down the highway - before control switched to Jess and you made a getaway.

If these mechanics exist outside of simply for spectacle's sake, Payback could be a fantastically original take on one of gaming's oldest genres.

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