E3 2017: 7 Reasons Sony Must Release A New PSP

4. PlayStation 4 Connectivity Should Be Standard

PS4 PS Vita

Most people were quietly in awe of that famous Gran Turismo demonstration that featured a PSP as a wing mirror back in the days of the PlayStation 3. The PSVita had the ability to stream PS4 games onto it in a fashion similar to the Wii U's Off-TV Play; PlayStation Now also let players stream PS3 games to the Vita through the cloud.

Having the chance to stream PlayStation 4 games to the system would be, of course, great.

A way to go one better would be to temporarily copy PS4 games onto the system for portable play. Cloud saving could enable the same functionality the Nintendo Switch has, but with two systems not one.

This makes sense since the PlayStation 4 has already sold upwards of 50 million units worldwide. Even if half or one-third of PS4 owners picked up a new PSP, that'd still mean pretty decent profits for Sony.

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Bryan Langley’s first console was the Super Nintendo and he hasn’t stopped using his opposable thumbs since. He is based in Bristol, UK and is still searchin' for them glory days he never had.