E3 2018: 10 Most Believable Rumours (That Won't Happen)

1. Fallout 76 Means Starfield Won't Be Announced

Starfield game

Going into this year's E3, every rumour seemed to point towards Bethesda finally revealing Starfield, their next major RPG, to the world. While that could still happen, the fact they've just announced Fallout 76, in development from both Bethesda's main studio as well as their Austin counterpart, seems to suggest that's the game they've been working on for the past few years.

There's no doubt that Starfield is still in production, but the publisher won't want to take the focus away from Fallout going into E3. Likewise, quick turnarounds from announcement to release are the publisher's jam these days, meaning they wouldn't want to give too much away about the game before it's ready anyway.

As a result, you can probably expect Fallout to dominate Bethesda's E3 this year, and then see Starfield completely take over for 2019's conference.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3