E3 2018: 10 Most Believable Rumours (That Won't Happen)

10. From Software Aren't Working On Bloodborne 2

Bloodborne 2 Leak
From Software

Although it's not often brought up alongside the likes of Uncharted 4, Horizon: Zero Dawn and God of War, From Software's Bloodborne remains one of the best exclusive titles on the PS4.

Consequently, ever since it shipped fans have been clamouring to know when - or if - a sequel would be coming. A follow up seemed like a no-brainer from Sony; after all, not only was the original an amazing experience in its own right, but it was a huge win over the competition, who don't have anything as unique on their console.

Unfortunately, the developers have been busy ever since this release, quickly moving onto the multi-platform Dark Souls III, as well as breaking away from the SoulsBorne franchise entirely with their next unannounced project. Strong rumours suggest that it will actually be that game which is revealed at E3 (a notion backed up by substantial evidence, as it's actually a sequel to PS2 horror gem, Kuon), leaving Playstation fans in the dark, wondering if they'll ever return to the eldritch horror of this defining exclusive.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3