E3 2018: 13 Insane Announcements That Could Actually Happen

13. Microsoft Ditches Xbox Live Subscription Fees

Xbox Live

Microsoft has promised that this year's E3 will be their biggest yet, and considering how the Xbox One has been on the back foot this entire generation, many are expecting them to drop a wave of stunning, consumer-friendly announcements in an attempt to win market favour back.

And what could be better than MS announcing that the monthly Xbox Live Gold subscription fee is now being waived, and all online play on the console is free? It'd be a ballsy, bold move that's pro-gamer and would certainly make Sony and Nintendo's online services seem less appealing.

How Likely Is It?: Microsoft's desperate to start gaining a foot-hold before the next generation kicks off, and this would be an incredible way to do it, though it would also be sacrificing a huge revenue stream for them worth hundreds of millions of dollars per year.

It's perhaps more probable that Xbox Live Gold will be combined with Xbox Game Pass, allowing players to have both services for one reduced price rather than having to pay out twice. That way, they're not completely killing the cash cow while offering an extremely tantalising new combo deal.

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E3 2018
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.