E3 2018: 15 Announcements You Probably Missed

12. Anthem Won't Feature Romances

Anthem Bioware E3 2018 15

Though EA's new IP Anthem is focused heavily on players exploring the game's lush world with a squad, its in-game relationships apparently won't extend anywhere beyond friendship, with Anthem featuring no possible romances with NPCs.

Anthem's lead producer Mike Gamble said, "There are no romances...There are friendships...we want to lean into that. The romantic stuff, we’re moving away from that for Anthem."

Given BioWare's history of featuring extensive and inclusive romance options in their games, it'll be disappointing news to many of their fans, while others might argue it de-clutters the game and keeps arbitrary love stories at bay.

EA did backpedal slightly after the vocal disappointment from fans, claiming that romances could be added in the future, but it's probably best not to count on it.

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E3 2018
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.