E3 2018: Predicting Release Dates For The Biggest Games

14. Death Stranding

Death Stranding
Kojima Productions

Anyone with even the faintest knowledge of Hideo Kojima's work knows that he takes his time releasing his games following their first formal unveiling, and though Death Stranding was first announced at E3 2016, expecting it to land before next year's E3 would be extremely optimistic.

Bear in mind that Kojima said the game hadn't entered full development until last year, and made the rather broad claim that it would be released before Tokyo's 2020 Summer Olympics, giving him a pretty wide time window to work with. Kojima did previously insist that the game would be released in 2018, though, so take it all with a healthy handful of salt.

Prediction: September 2, 2019. Death Stranding will probably be one of the last major blockbuster games released for the PS4, though it won't release right at the very end of the console's life cycle.

A September bow worked out well for Metal Gear Solid V and it's traditionally a month free of much tentpole competition, while giving Kojima one more E3 to toy with his fans.

Plus, Sony reps have commented on development running faster than usual for Kojima, so fans won't necessarily be left waiting until just before that Tokyo 2020 deadline.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.