E3 2019: 10 Video Game Reveals That NEED To Happen

1. Sony Make A Few Surprise Reveals (Including Their Mysterious Second-Party Title)


Now, Sony are absolutely bowing out of E3 for good. The company has stated that they don't really have anything new to show off right now, and are probably saving any potential big announcements for when they inevitably unveil the PS5.

That said, it would potentially be a mistake to not try to get some of the spotlight on them as the world's eye turns to the realm of video games. A State of Play could be an option, either around E3 or afterwards, potentially being used as a means to unveil the mystery second-party exclusive Sony have in development. This project is allegedly aiming for a PS4 release, and could be a cool little reveal the company have up their sleeve.

Hell, with Microsoft and Sony announcing that they're teaming up to co-develop tech in the future, who's to say Microsoft won't wheel out a Playstation exec on their stage as some kind of show of solidarity? It might sound ridiculous, but considering you can get Xbox Live on a Nintendo Switch now, we are undeniably living in a ridiculous time.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3