E3 2019: 11 Leaked Video Games You're Not Supposed To Know About

2. Fable 4

Fable 4

We've known this was in development since WAY back in January 2018, having reported on it as part of a scoop on another Bioshock.

The word came from a number of sources, citing that the Fable IP had been given to a notable English studio, but one under Microsoft's exclusivity umbrella.

This narrowed everything pretty tightly down to Sheffield's Playground Games, developers of Forza Horizon. Though it seemed somewhat unique to give a top-tier RPG franchise to a driving game studio, even more details have now leaked.

It appears Fable 4 (or whatever it's called) is set in a future where Albion is ravaged from a meteor, and our heroes are scattered across the cosmos, rebuilding the world with help from afar, one building at a time.

Alongside this is a story centred on stopping a "Mad King" re-summoning the meteor that broke everything in the first place, gameplay with no guns for a change, multiplayer, and the fact you can abandon the main quest to be a villain instead.

The latter sounds a lot like the trademark Fable humour we know and love, and here's to Microsoft confirming a year's worth of information this Sunday.

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