EA Sports UFC: 10 Highest Rated Fighters

5. José Aldo

Overall: 96Striking: 95Grappling: 95Submissions: 98 The UFC€™s only ever Featherweight champion, Aldo is so dominant in the 145-lbs division that there is constant speculation that he will pack on some extra weight and try his luck against the Lightweights. Despite potentially fighting against bigger men, it would take a brave man to bet against José Aldo. The Brazilian possesses some of the best striking ever witnessed in the UFC. Having been a very talented young footballer, Aldo retained his leg strength and kicking power in his fighting and is known for his blisteringly fast combos finishing with a devastating right leg kick. Aldo is capable of mixing up his combos to leave his opposition befuddled about where they should be defending. Cub Swanson €“ who has been tearing it up in the division after faltering against Aldo €“ was knocked out by the champ in just 7-seconds with a beautiful flying knee TKO.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.