Elden Ring: 10 Most Difficult Bosses You'll Encounter

4. Starscourge Radhan

Elden Ring

If you’re active on Elden Ring online communities, you’ve probably heard many horror stories about Radhan.

This boss has proven to be one of the hardest challenges Elden Ring has to offer. Right when you enter the arena, he’ll bombard you with arrows that will prevent you from even getting close to him if you aren’t careful, and if you do reach his destination, his massive sword will quickly destroy you.

When you deal with half of his health, you might be confused as Radhan leaps into the air and seemingly leaves the battle, only for him to come crashing back down like a shooting star in one of the coolest attacks in the game. As you can guess, this will kill you instantly if you don’t keep your distance.

One mechanic in this fight that isn’t present in any other is the ability to call in a wide variety of NPCs to help you out. This is heavily recommended as they can help distract him and deal some minor damage; make sure not to get killed by Radhan’s arrows while summoning.

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