Elder Scrolls: 10 Best Dark Brotherhood Assassinations

7. Destroy The Dark Brotherhood

elder scrolls dark brotherhood

There is something quite cathartic about being able to obliterate an entire faction out on a whim. And whilst it could have been expanded into a much larger quest-line, it's simple inclusion in the game is one of the most endearing things about it. Most people don't even realise its an option.

It is a small but welcome detail on Bethesda's part and can be quite fun to kill fifteen minutes with. Being able to turn on the characters you undoubtedly spent a lot of time with during previous playthroughs, and be responsible for destroying an entire faction is great.

Even if you undoubtedly reload and then join the Dark Brotherhood instead of destroying them because like everyone else, you don't hate fun.


I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.