Elder Scrolls 6: 10 Phenomenal RPGs Bethesda Must Learn From

9. Make The Puzzles In Caves And Dungeons More Challenging - Legend Of Grimrock

Legend Of Grimrock
Almost Human Ltd

Legend of Grimrock is a 2012 game that stands out as one of the best developer debuts of this century. Almost Human's four man team self-financed almost all of the development, and the resultant product was a wonderful mix of old schools RPGs and dungeon crawlers.

What this game can teach The Elder Scrolls VI is how to implement complex and inventive puzzles into a more modern, action-oriented game. Skyrim was full of caves and dungeons hiding all manner of treasures, but the vast majority of these were worked through with little more than an aggressive swinging of the player's chosen weapon.

Dwarven temples and hidden caves would be made more interesting in the next instalment if there was a more challenging puzzle element to them, rather than just basic item placement or statue turning. Legend of Grimrock features a multitude of enticing challenges that lean heavily on classic RPG tropes, and the rewards for solving the toughest of them feel genuinely worth working for. The Elder Scrolls VI needs more of this!


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.