Elder Scrolls: 7 Reasons Morrowind Is BETTER Than Skyrim

5. The Ability To Fail

Elder Scrolls Morrowind

Morrowind is almost unique in being a game that you can pour hundreds upon hundreds of hours into and still not be able to beat. More than that, it can become nearly impossible for a number of different reasons. Maybe your character build made no sense, and you botched the (admittedly overly-complicated) leveling system, leaving you unequipped to deal with the horrors of Red Mountain. Maybe you didn't pay attention to the pop-up about severing the thread of prophecy after killing a random NPC only to realize nearly a hundred hours later that you needed that person in order to progress the main quest.

While there are workarounds for both of those issues, the idea that you could "fail" a game of this size is exceedingly rare. For as much as games like Mass Effect 2 try to build up the stakes, no matter how few companion missions you completed or how many of your squad-mates die, you can still hack it through the endgame if you so desire. Morrowind, however, has real consequences, and if you fell into those traps, finally beating the game felt that much better knowing that you could have actually failed.


Just a regular guy tryna write things on the internet