Elder Scrolls: 7 Reasons Morrowind Is BETTER Than Skyrim

4. Exclusive Factions

Elder Scrolls Morrowind

Along those lines, I've always loved how Morrowind handled the various guilds and factions of the island. They don't exist in isolation, but instead are often in open conflict such as the Fighter's Guild and Thieve's Guild. And while there are three major "houses" of Vvardenfell, you can only join one per play-through.

A lot of gamers are completionists who need to clear every mark off their maps before they're truly satisfied. But just as the real world is often cruel and unsatisfying, so too is Morrowind. And it tracks logically - even if you are the chosen one and savior of the world, you're never going to please everyone.

Skyrim lets you basically become master of every corner of the world, but Morrowind forces you to focus on which parts of the world you actually want to be a part of and engage with.

I understand where Bethesda is coming from with toning this down in later games. However, having to actually choose which factions you align yourself with and which you'll be in conflict with greatly enhances the sense of role playing.


Just a regular guy tryna write things on the internet