Elder Scrolls: Every Daedra Lord RANKED From Worst To Best

6. Clavicus Vile

elder scrolls mephala

The Prince of Bargains, Clavicus Vile oversees Power, Trickery, and, er, Bargains (hardly a surprise, that last one).

Vile's plane of Oblivion is called the 'Fields of Regret', and is at once an idyllic countryside, with merchants here and there, as well as being home to strange, dark foliage and biomes mixed, with the air scented with both perfumes and rotting flesh.

All of this is interesting enough, but one reason and one reason alone, aside from any other potential positives, affords Clavicus Vile a high rank:

They have a dog.

Potentially, Clavicus Vile and their companion Barabas, who most often takes the form of a delightful pooch, are one and the same entity, and the flavour texts in the games occasionally dwell on such metaphysical musing. Obviously, Vile's 'Masque' is one of the better Daedric artefact, but again, besides the point: the point is that there is a dog.

Dog and Joviality and a decent sword and mask all in one delightfully demony package? Clavicus Vile is assuredly one of the more interesting Princes going.


A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.