The Elder Scrolls VI: 10 Things It Must Learn From Fallout 4

1. Trigger-Able Special Kill Animations

Everyone loves a good slow-motion kill. It's something Bethesda have been more than aware of when they factored an entire mode (V.A.T.S.) around blasting things to kingdom come before watching entrails fly off into the distance - and although Skyrim occasionally gave you the treat of watching one of these animations play out, they were hit and miss in terms of execution. Animations were occasionally stilted and unpolished, the best kills were reserved for only kicking in once in a blue moon (slow-mo death-by-arrow should be something that pops up at every turn) and all-round they weren't a feature you felt like you had a lot of control over. Whilst TES obviously shouldn't employ the V.A.T.S system entirely, more simple button prompts to trigger these kills or cutaways would be most welcome - as well as letting you slow time to a crawl before letting fly that one arrow that spears a Falmer off a cliff's edge from a few hundred feet away. What do you want to see Bethesda carry over from their very impressive new look for Fallout 4? Let us know in the comments!
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