Eurogamer Expo: 10 Best Games

7. Zombi U

The Wii U had the longest queues at Eurogamer and I'm still not convinced it was worth the 2 hour wait. Firstly, the Wii U itself is sleek and stylish. It's much more than just an newly designed Wii. The Gamepad is very impressive. I was surprised at the sharpness of the screen and it feels nice in your hands. Nintendo has a really nice overall design going on with the Wii U and accessories, there's no doubt about it, it's a cool piece of tech. For the first 5 minutes of ZombiU, I felt underwhelmed. Sure, it looked nice and its graphics are miles ahead of anything on the Wii, but it just felt like a generic run of the mill Dead Island clone. Then the gamepad mechanics were introduced. One word; cool. It's just a different way to play games and I really liked it. Maybe I am being a hypocrite by placing it 7th on my list but I did enjoy having a new way of interacting with games. I don't think it was the best game at Eurogamer, not by a long shot, but it did convince me even more so that there is serious potential for developers on Nintendo's new console. It could be a lot better but for a launch title it impresses. I think the death system in it is a nice feature and the movement and combat are fine too. The gamepad is incorporated into every aspect of the game, from looking down a scope of a rifle to scanning areas for zombies and loot. I reckon it could be quite tense too as there was concept art for some of the later levels and it definitely looks atmospheric. Basically, if you enjoyed Dead Island, you will love this.
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Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!