Eurogamer Expo: 10 Best Games

6. Call Of Duty Black Ops II

Putting a Call of Duty game in 6th is probably asking for abuse but from what I saw and played, I personally feel it doesn't deserve to be ahead of the other top 5. To be fair, I couldn't decide where to put it because I did love it and I think it could be in the running for game of the year but on the other hand, I was expecting as much so it didn't blow me away quite like some others. Treyarch return to war in blistering fashion, yet again taking the reins from Infinity Ward to put their own spin on the COD franchise. I was very disappointed with MW3. The level design was poor, guns were overpowered and it rewarded campers and punished teams playing the objective. I mean, no points for capping a flag in domination? Really? I was lucky enough to play 40 minutes of Black Ops II and there's no doubt that it's going to break launch records yet again. The graphics are beautiful, the 60 fps kept the gameplay flowing and the movement and guns have been tweaked and improved. The matches were played on a system link so there was no lag but the hit detection was excellent. It was typical fast and furious Call of Duty action. The classes are a lot different and it finally looks like there will be no one for all gun such as the AK-47 in it's predecessor or the MP7 in MW3. I did have a few issues though, even with my limited time playing. The lack of recoil in the guns is still very annoying. It's still too easy to whip the gun around like Rambo, spraying from 50 feet away. Treyarch have addressed this and they will be tweaking it until release day. The level design still feels weak. It just felt the same. I know there is interactive environments, but the actual layout of maps are still too similar to previous games. Still, it is shaping up to be epic. An 8 player zombie campaign, a revamped theater mode, near unlimited class options and a story by David S.Goyer make this the most complete compete Call of Duty yet. Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic by placing it 6th but after the disappointment of MW3, I'm not getting excited for another Call of Duty until it blows me away.
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Barry O' Halloran has been a whatculture writer for the last two years and having recently graduated, now plans on writing about games & movies until his hands fall off. Follow him on twitter!