Every Cancelled Super Mario Game - Ranked

5. VB Mario Land

The Virtual Boy was definitely not Nintendo's finest hour. Released in 1995, it was a table-top console that was one of the first instances of a game developer dabbling in the world of stereoscopic 3D with its headset and red monochrome.

However, even for 1995, it was seen as pretty shoddy work. The red displays, lack of any 'true' 3D, high pricing and even some of the health concerns related to the console were all panned by critics and the Virtual Boy was discontinued in 1996 with just 22 games to its name.

One of the games that didn't even make it that far was VB Mario Land. As is customary for every Nintendo console, this was just another Mario game designed to showcase the capabilities of the Virtual Boy, with top down visuals, similar to something from a Legend of Zelda game, used throughout to try and show off the Virtual Boy's 3D visuals and illusion of depth.

Though a demo was revealed at the Winter International Consumer Electronics Show in 1995, the swiftness in which the Virtual Boy was pulled meant audiences never got a full VB Mario Land to play.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.