Every FromSoftware Soulsborne Game Ranked Worst To Best

3. Bloodborne

Elden ring

It seemed that Dark Souls was the undefeated king of its genre for the longest time, but then Bloodborne came around and proved that statement wrong.

Bloodborne is a game that takes the gameplay and style of Dark Souls and polishes them to create an entirely different experience.

This game has been reinvented to focus more on offense than defense, but it also has this brand new Lovecraftian horror setting, unlike anything we’ve seen out of FromSoftware before.

This game is dark and bloody, with its themes being reflected in the true-to-nature challenging gameplay. The locations stand out more than they ever did in Dark Souls. From a simple Victorian age England town to an eerie insane asylum to a massive castle set inside a nightmare, Bloodborne never fails to create memorable level designs.

It also introduces a new weapon system. Now, instead of using whatever weapon you encounter lying around, there are a lot less to find, and each is much more unique, meaning no matter which you use, you’ll always have a fun time.

Bloodborne might not have the same legacy as Dark Souls, but it’s easily better than most of the entries in the trilogy.

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Dark Souls
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