Every LittleBigPlanet Game RANKED
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The LittleBigPlanet series is iconic. Whilst it doesn't sell as well as other PlayStation franchises such as Uncharted and God of War, it is just as synonymous with the PlayStation brand. The protagonist of the games, Sackboy, has been in games on the PS3, PS4, PS5, PSP, and PS Vita - is there any other PlayStation character that you can say that for?
Sackboy is somewhat of a mascot for PlayStation and because of this, we got a constant stream of LittleBigPlanet content for a while until the franchise essentially died for the entire PlayStation 4 generation. With the latest game, Sackboy: A Big Adventure, it appears that LittleBigPlanet is back to some extent. Sure, the latest game lacks the creative mode that previous games had, but more Sackboy in any form can only be a good thing.
All LittleBigPlanet games aren't created equal though. Whilst no game in the franchise can necessarily be called awful, the franchise does have quite a few mediocre games that tarnish the good LittleBigPlanet name. Luckily there are just as many great games in the LittleBigPlanet series and even the worst titles at least have some sort of LittleBigPlanet charm.
9. Run Sackboy! Run!

What happens when you drain all of the life and creativity out of one of the most imaginative game franchises of all time? You get Run Sackboy! Run!.
Apparently when it came to adapting LittleBigPlanet for mobile phones, the best they could think of was an endless runner. Don't get me wrong, the game isn't the worst thing in the world, it just feels like a wasted opportunity. 2D platformers can work on mobile. If they didn't want to make that then at least think of something original for Sackboy to star in.
In Run Sackboy! Run!, you play as Sackboy as you run away from the Negativitron. You run through the iconic LittleBigPlanet locations of The Gardens, Avalonia, and The Canyons. It's cool seeing these places on mobile but why stop there? If you're going to make a subpar endless runner at least give us some more locations to run through, maybe a tie-in with the almost released at the time LittleBigPlanet 3.
The game also got a PS Vita port for some reason...because when you dust off your PS Vita, the first thing you want to do is play an endless runner that you can play on your phone.