Every Major 2017 Video Game - Ranked By Anticipation

2. Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

legend of zelda breath of the wild

The shining jewel in the Nintendo Switch's non-existent launch library, Breath of the Wild is the most ambitious shake-up of Zelda's core mechanics we've ever seen.

Granted, each Zelda has dabbled in various open-world mechanics over the years, but now we've got a day-to-night system, weapon degradation, stamina-drain and other survival aspects, all in service of letting you explore Hyrule in an altogether more immersive way.

Don't worry though, the lifeblood of Zelda is still here in everything from the Z-targeting camera to the age-old tale of good vs. Ganon. Breath of the Wild looks to mimic Wind Waker's almost Studio Ghibli-esque tale of Link going up against some indescribable evil, yet it'll do so with the biggest array of gameplay possibilities and things to see, do and collect in the franchise's history.

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