Every Major PS4 Exclusive - Ranked From Worst To Best

11. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

Hellblade senua's sacrifice
Ninja Theory

Sony's latest exclusive is becoming quite controversial thanks to repetitive combat and puzzle design, as any negatives are mitigated by a truly meaningful and progressive story centred on dealing with mental health.

The titular Senua descends into Helheim in search of her lover's soul, but the reality of the world is that the majority of what she sees resides in her mind. As such, you're in for one hell of a horror-tinged trip through nightmarish imagery as the occasional happy memory of the pair together gets interspersed with environmental puzzles and Dark Souls-lite combat.

Speaking of which, combat does work when you're blending multiple dodges with quick combos, slow-motion heavy attacks and jumping lunges. There's annoyingly a sense of broken pace that inserts a "find the symbol" puzzle every time the narrative starts to shift into high gear, but it is an narrative worth seeing through.

Something of a missed opportunity, but what is here, is very much worth cherishing.

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